
Vanessa Evers

Saving the world, one robot at a time


February 2015

Interview at OBA live with Theodoor Holman

18 Feb I was interviewed by Theodoor Holman from OBA live. The topic was…Robots in Society. He is a great interviewer so it was fun. In Dutch.

and accompanying article in HUMAN live

article in Magazine Keynotes Feb 2015

The online magazine publishes an interview with me about guessed it: robots in society, how robots understand people. It’s in Dutch and can be read here: Robot op zoek naar de mens

keynote article

Willem Wever, a Dutch children’s tv program came by to film

Joris had a question about robots taking over the world. Daniel Davison gave a great answer. Will be broadcast in April, stay tuned!


17 feb article in National Public Broadcasting (NPO) on robot paranoia

The article on robots and whether they will take over and our research in the DesignLab is a teaser for a OBA-LIVE show I am in on wednesdayOBA Live, met Vanessa Evers
Woensdag 18 februari, NPO Radio 5, 19.00-20.00 uur

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